Vice Deanship of Graduate Studies & Scientific Research

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Speech of Vice-Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research 1

Medical Scienceswith its various disciplines and applications receives unique care from the officials of our country, may God protect it. This attention rises from the government’s belief in the importance of these disciplines and the very need to be implemented in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.The aspects of this attention also vary at different levels in terms of the opening of colleges and departments that teach these disciplines in various regions and provinces of the Kingdom, attracting outstanding faculty, providing advanced technologies which serve these disciplines to make them withen the reach of students and researchers, as well as encouraging students to be sent to study these disciplines in top universities in various countries of the world.

So it is not strange for this university leadership to pay a great deal of attention to the College of Applied Medical Sciences with its two branches for male and female students by opening a number of departments that are of the priority needs of the Kingdom, starting the building of the largest College of Applied Medical Sciences in the Kingdom, providing groups of distinguished faculty members, and recruiting more than forty-four assistant professors and lecturers of both sexes in all the various college disciplines.

Even the university leadership team sought to have them pursue graduateprograms in the United States, Canada, Britain, Ireland, Australia and Malaysia to come back armed with knowledge and scientific expertise, contribute to provide what they have mastered of these disciplines to their students, and serve their community in conducting research and specialized studies in order to offer appropriate solutions to the problems and phenomena related to medical aspects in the Kingdom, God willing.

No doubt this attention is reflected very positively on the college, thank God, as it is doing its utmost through its different Vice Deanships of Education,Quality and Higher Studies and Scientific Research to achieve most of their ambitions and the roles expected from them.

I would like to indicate some of the efforts made concerning the works of the college of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research. The college, with the help of its teachers and students,is winning a number of local and international awards in the field of creation. It is also recording a number of patents at the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology. Besides that,its teachers are publishing more than fifty scientific papers in different medical fields where they are participating in several local and international conferences. Moreover, the college is keen to work side by side with the university vice deanships in setting up future plans and programs for graduate diplomas and Masters’ degreeprograms in a number of specializations, such as medical devices, epidemiology and health education.

Similarly the college wasn’t far from meeting the needs of the society in its vicinity, including its students and teachers or the surrounding environment of the university. The college is also generating awareness using the possible means of communication, for instance - awareness raising campaigns, lectures, leaflets and others.

With the help of God, this speech coincides with the coming back of the first student who was sent abroad for a doctorate degree in the specialty of Radiological Sciences, and it is perhaps a good omen for all the other students to be back soon holding their degrees, God willing, to contribute more effectively to fulfill the ambitions of the college and the Vice Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research in particular in achieving its three major functions which are as follows:Opening the programs of Master and doctoral studies in various college disciplines, advancing scientific research,innovation and supervision of graduate theses. But all this does not come at the expense of the college’s responsibilitiesto serve the society that we wish to help makeits dreams come true and buildbridges of confidence and satisfaction by offering possible solutions for the treatment of various health issues.

We believe in the vice deanship’s unbounded ambitions and we are doing our best to achieve them with the efforts of the sincere college members both from teachers and students. Let us, with God’s will, meet high ambitions of the university leadership, hoping to be supported by Almighty God, His help and guidance towards success and if there is no assistance from Allah to aperson his perseverance will be the first to fail .

May Allah bless us and guide us to the right path.


Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research