About the Department of mathematics
Many questions along the lines about the benefit of mathematics in our daily lives and why it is heavily taught in both the general education and university have been inquired. Perhaps the right question is what is the area in which mathematics has no benefit?
Mathematics is the basis of science in both its theoretical and applied divisions. It offers effective methods in statistics, data and decision-making, the issues of profits and losses as well as in the narrow fields of computer programming. It also plays a great deal in encryption, modeling of the problems facing the community and finding solutions to them, and many of the engineering and medical applications.
The Department of mathematics was established in 1426 H (2005 G). Since its inception, the Department is continuously developing and serving the ever increasing number of students from different colleges of the University. Currently, there are 15 faculty members comprising professors, associate professors and assistant professors specialized in various mathematical areas, namely; analysis, algebra, geometry, topology, numerical analysis, discrete mathematics and different areas of applied mathematics. In addition to faculty members, the Department has also 10 lecturers, investigators, teaching assistants and demonstrators. Apart from teaching duties, the faculty members in the Department are actively involved in research in different areas of mathematics and their research papers are published in reputed international journals. The Department is also planning to establish an Excellence Center in Applied Mathematics to promote high quality of research having practical applications and a B.Sc. Program in actuarial and financial mathematics. In addition, the Department teaches mathematics courses required by other programs of the College of Science such as Computer science and Physics.
A systematic study at the Mathematics department (Bachelor's degree)
Student in the Faculty of Science spends four years spread over eight semesters. The study courses include the core courses (the requirements of the University - Faculty of requirements -the requirements of the department and specialization). The student must finish 137 units of study.