3.3.6 Does your university as a body have a 'smoke-free' policy?

Anti-Smoking Regulations







The University is committed to provide a smoke free environment for its students, faculty, staff, administrators, visitors and the general public on campuses. Environmental tobacco smoke or involuntary smoking is a cause of disease, including lung cancer, in healthy nonsmokers. The simple separation of smokers and nonsmokers within the same air space may reduce, if not eliminate, the exposure of nonsmokers to environmental tobacco smoke.

University Owned or Leased Property

1. Smoking is prohibited on University owned or leased property including grounds, parking lots, athletic fields, recreation fields, tennis courts and any other outdoor area, including any vehicle located on the University’s property.

2. Appropriate signs designated by the University Department of Public Health shall be posted at all entrances to University-owned or leased buildings.

University Owned Buildings and Leased Space

1. Smoking shall be prohibited in any University-owned building including leased facilities. This prohibition shall apply to any area enclosed by the outermost walls of the building and will include atriums, balconies, stairwells and other similar building features.

2. There shall be no ashtrays or similar receptacles in University-owned or leased buildings or other spaces where smoking is prohibited.

3. Appropriate signs designated by the University Department of Public Health shall be posted at all entrances to University-owned or leased buildings.

University Owned Passenger Vehicles and Moving Equipment

1. Smoking shall be prohibited at all times in any University owned or leased vehicles or vehicles provided by the University.

2. The smoking prohibition applies to passenger vehicles and all other mobile equipment to include light and heavy trucks, cargo and passenger vans, buses and any other applicable mobile equipment.

3. Appropriate signs designated by the University Department of Public Health shall be posted in every vehicle owned or leased by the University.

Complaints and Enforcement

The Department of Public Health is responsible for maintaining a system for receiving and investigating complaints of non-compliance with the University policy regarding smoking. The University Police Department is the designated law enforcement authority for the campus.

Any person may register a complaint with the University Department of Public Health by call or by registering a complaint on the University web site.

The University Human Resource Services Department will be responsible to inform all Professional & Scientific and Merit applicants and current employees in those classifications that Universityowned and leased facilities and grounds are smoke-free environments. The Academic Affairs Office will be responsible to inform all applicants for Faculty positions and current members of the Academy that University-owned and leased facilities and grounds are smoke-free environments.

Any person can inform another that the University is a smoke free environment and that smoking violates the University policy. If the individual refuses to stop smoking, a complaint can be filed against a violator with the University’s Police Department.

Anti-Smoking Program


It is an integrated program that aims to eliminate this deadly scourge and strive to make Majmaah University a smoke-free university, and thus protect the youth of society from falling into the pitfalls of smoking and its various harms. This program includes intensive awareness campaigns and codified systems and regulations, and the Deanship of Student Affairs has paid great attention to this program, which the university is keen to produce in a manner befitting the university and the event for which this program was prepared. Among the activities that the Deanship intends to carry out to eradicate this scourge are the following:


"Laws and Regulations for Combating Smoking 2022"






Sites where smoking is prohibited



Smoking is prohibited in the following places:

  1. All university facilities are generally closed and open.
  2. Faculties, libraries and administrative offices of the university.
  3. Celebration halls, lecture halls, exhibition halls, meeting rooms, laboratories, meal areas, and the outdoor courtyard of the university headquarters.
  4. Public and private university transportation owned by the university.
  5. Facilities and gymnasiums affiliated to the university.

Violators of the provisions of the regulation shall be dealt with according to the following:

  1. Committing the violation for the first time: Directing a written attention to the violator, with a directive to the anti-smoking clinic in case he wishes to benefit from its services and register in his file.
  2. Repeat the violation for the second time: Issuing a written warning to the violator and recording it in his file.
  3. Repeating the violation for the third time and above The violator, whether he is a student, employee, faculty member or worker, shall be referred to the Disciplinary Committee, each according to his committee, and the regular procedures and penalties shall be taken against him.
  4. In the event that the violator is not one of the university employees, he will be alerted and informed of the smoking ban system in all university facilities, and in the event that he does not respond, he is asked to leave the university or college.


About the Anti-Smoking Department




Anti-Smoking Committee at the University







Status on the Committee


Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Alshaya

Vice President for Educational Affairs



Dr. Hamad A. Alqumaizi

Dean of Student Affairs

Vice-Chairman and Member


Doctor Khalid Bin Muhammad Alabdulwahab

Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine



Dr. Ziad Hamad Al-Amer

From the College of Education in Majmaah



Mr. Abdulaziz bin Abdulmohsen Al-Medlej

Supervisor of the University Safety and Security Department



Student / Aqab bin Ghazai Al-Mutairi

From the College of Applied Medical Sciences



Student / Mohammed bin Saleh Abanmi

From the College of Education in Majmaah



Student / Khalid bin Ayed Al-Otaibi

From the Faculty of Engineering






  Get rid of these tasks The Committee is as follows:

1. This Committee shall exercise Its competencies and tasks are in accordance with the regulations approved by the University Council.

2. This committee works on Perform its tasks in multiple lines, preventive, and curative lines, and invest what can be invested from Events and activities to raise awareness of the harms of smoking and its negative effects.



His Excellency the University President inaugurates the Anti-Smoking Clinic at the University


https://m.mu.edu.sa/sites/default/files/styles/mu_custom_901x548/public/_IMY1631.jpg?h=7fb2964e  https://m.mu.edu.sa/sites/default/files/content/2019/09/_IMY1645.JPG

https://m.mu.edu.sa/sites/default/files/content/2019/09/056A7621.JPG  https://m.mu.edu.sa/sites/default/files/content/2019/09/mu_large_056A7591.JPG

His Excellency the University President, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al-Muqrin, inaugurated the Anti-Smoking Clinic, in the university campus in Majmaah. The opening was attended by His Excellency the University Vice President for Educational Affairs, Dr. Ahmed bin Ali Al-Rumaih, and the deans of the colleges and supporting deanships in Majmaah. The opening was also attended by representatives of King Khalid Hospital in Majmaah Governorate. This clinic is part of a series of clinics implemented in the Riyadh region, supervised by the Ministry of Health, and will be operated by the medical services affiliated with Majmaah University.



Together to Fight Smoking


Mobile medical clinics conduct field visits to Umm Sidra and Al-Naghiq villages to provide therapeutic and educational services

https://m.mu.edu.sa/sites/default/files/styles/mu_custom_901x548/public/20140618_110128_0.jpg?h=abce51c1  http://www.mu.edu.sa/sites/default/files/news/20140617_105545.jpg

In order to contribute to achieving effective community partnership:


The university's mobile medical clinics carry out field visits to villages to provide therapeutic and educational services.

The University's Medical Services Department, represented by the mobile medical clinics, carried out field visits to a number of villages, including Umm Sidra and Al-Naghiq villages, in order to conduct a medical and environmental survey of citizens and residents, as well as provide treatment and educational services to the population. The total number of cases examined in the two villages reached 422. The general practitioner clinic received 259 patients, the dental clinic received 114 patients, and the Al-Dammam clinic received 49 cases. The Dean of the College of Medicine and Supervisor of Medical Services, Dr. Khalid bin Muhammad Al-Abdulwahab, stated that these field visits come in implementation of one of the most important messages of the university through effective community partnership, and that the medical services, represented by the mobile medical clinics, have implemented many programs and activities in the past period in order to contribute to achieving that message. They will also provide other programs and activities for the community in the future, God willing, in order to achieve the directives of His Excellency the University Director, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al-Muqrin.



"Administration" participates in World No Tobacco Day 2022



The General Administration of Occupational Health and Environment participated in the World No Tobacco Day 2022, which falls on May 31 of each year, and during this participation, it presented an awareness brochure on the harms of tobacco to humans and the environment.


Anti-smoking clinic in the university city




"Anti-Smoking Awareness Campaign"


"Anti-Smoking Awareness Campaign"


Dr. Abdulmaqsoud Moawad Salama (Department of Educational Sciences)

Date: 1/6/8 143 AH

Location: College of Education in Zulfi (first floor and halls)

Target group: College students in Zulfi


1. Educating students and urging them to combat smoking.

2. Introduce students to the components of cigarettes and their harmful chemicals.

3. Introduce students to the harms of smoking and its impact on the individual and society.

4. Students were introduced to the body's nicotine measuring devices and measuring the strength of the lungs.

5. Methods of prevention and cessation of smoking.

Within the framework of the college's cooperation with local community institutions and the provision of community services, and activating the instructions of His Excellency the Dean of the College on the need to direct students inside the classrooms to some awareness topics, including combating smoking, the Department of Educational Sciences at the College held an activator entitled "Anti-Smoking Awareness Campaign" within a series of activities (volunteer work course) taught by Dr. Abdul Maqsoud Moawad Salama and implemented and organized by the students of the course, In cooperation with the Department of Education in Zulfi (Anti-Smoking Clinic) represented by Dr. Mazen Hamada, where the activity included introducing and educating students about the effects of smoking on the individual and society, how to prevent it and ways to quit, and the activity was held in the presence of His Excellency Dr. Rashid bin Hamoud Al-Thunayan, Dean of the College, His Excellency Dr. Ahmed bin Abdullah Al-Qashami, Vice Dean for Student Affairs, His Excellency Dr. Dhafer Ahmed Al-Qarni, Vice Dean for Educational Affairs, Head of the Department of Educational Sciences, faculty members and students In the end, His Excellency the Dean praised such activities that serve students and society and contribute to the awareness of our students, and stressed the repetition of such awareness service activities because of their great impact on the life of the individual and society.






Workshop for female students entitled: (Anti-Smoking Regulation)



The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Department of Educational Sciences, held a workshop for female students entitled: (Anti-Smoking Regulation) on Thursday, 23/2/1440 AH, at (9) am at the college theater

  The workshop was presented by Dr. Mona Al-Jamal, Assistant Professor at the Department of Educational Sciences, where the workshop aimed to clarify the purpose of the regulation, clarify the importance of applying the regulations of the anti-smoking regulation within the university, and explain the articles of the regulation to ensure raising awareness of the dangers of this harmful habit.

The workshop included an explanatory awareness video on the harms of smoking, as well as statistics on smoking, the bad habits of the smoker and responding to him to convince him to quit smoking and some pictures that illustrate the danger of smoking to the individual and society.








National Anti-Smoking Project





Under the guidance of His Excellency the Dean of the College of Science and Human Studies in Ghat, Dr. Omar bin Muhammad Al-Omar, the Student Activities Unit at the College of Sciences and Humanities in Ghat, in cooperation with the Anti-Smoking Clinic at Prince Nasser bin Saad Al-Sudairy Hospital in Al-Ghat, within the framework of the National Tobacco Control Project "Aoun", established the "Anar Darbi Anti-Smoking" program on Tuesday 24/5/1438 AH corresponding to February 21, 2017 AD


The program reviewed the harms of smoking addiction and its threat to food security, the harms of tobacco and health risk, and that it is a major cause of death according to the statistics of the World Health Organization, in addition to the harmful components of the cigarette that lead to cancer, and reviewed the harms of indirect smoking "passive" and its impact on others, especially children.


His Excellency the Dean expressed his thanks and gratitude to the Director of Prince Nasser Al-Sudairy Hospital, Mr. Sulaiman Al-Taweel, and Mr. Yousef bin Ahmed Al-Yahya for the joint cooperation represented in the framework of community service for its contribution to promoting the public health of community members.







MU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Mohammed Al-Aboudi, launched a drug awareness campaign executed by the Deanship of Student Affairs in collaboration with the Deanship of Human Resources. The campaign took place in the lobby of the University Administration building and featured the participation of different departments.

The Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Saleh Al-Rashidi, pointed out that the Deanship, represented by the Counseling and Guidance Center, is planning to conduct this campaign in other colleges in Majmaah, Zulfi and Remah, hoping to raise the public awareness about the dangers of drugs, which have a devastating impact on health and finances. The 3-week campaign also seeks to help drug addicts. 


Conducting a seminar entitled (The Harms of Smoking and its Scourge on Individuals)


The Public Relations Unit at the College of Sciences and Human Studies in Ramah (Female Section) held a seminar on (the harms of smoking and its scourge on individuals), where statistics were discussed on smoking rates among different age groups, the efforts of the Ministry of Health in awareness and education, and how to help smoking addicts stop it, and the seminar was attended by the Vice Dean of the College, coordinators of departments, agencies, a number of members, administrators, and students.




A training course entitled (Smoking and drugs are two scourges that we must beware)



A training course entitled (Smoking and drugs are two scourges that we must beware)

Under the guidance of His Excellency the Dean of the College of Science and Human Studies in Ghat, Dr. Omar bin Muhammad Al-Omar, and the follow-up of His Excellency the Vice Dean for Educational Affairs, Dr. Muhammad Al-Wunnine, the Student Support Unit, in cooperation with the Student Guidance and Counseling Center at the university, organized on Tuesday, 28/7/1438 AH, a training course entitled "Smoking and drugs are two scourges that we must warn".


The course dealt with the definition of the position of Islamic law on smoking and drugs, as the purposes of Sharia are to preserve the soul, religion, mind, money, supply and distance from the abuse of drugs and intoxicants because they destroy the body and money and do not preserve the supply and that Islam forbids drug abuse, and the course also dealt with family and social damages resulting from drug abuse.


The Dean of the College, Dr. Omar bin Muhammad Al-Omar, stressed that these courses come within the framework of intensifying efforts to combat this scourge and protect our students from its danger. He also extended his thanks and appreciation to all participants.





The Deanship of Student Affairs holds an exhibition and a mobile clinic to combat smoking


His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Hamad bin Abdullah Al-Qumaizi, inaugurated the anti-smoking exhibition and clinic in the university city in Majmaah, in cooperation with the Kafa Charitable Society for Smoking Cessation Association, where the Deanship has prepared a practical program for smoking cessation, where the exhibition will be open to all visitors from students and employees, and the exhibition and clinic will be transferred to the college complex in Zulfi and the administration building in the complex, and awareness sessions will be provided for university students and employees in the mobile clinic of the KAFA Charitable Association, while those wishing to attend treatment sessions are transferred Free to quit smoking to the clinic premises.

The exhibition and clinic also aim to warn university students of the danger of smoking to human health, and during the opening, His Excellency Dr. Al Qumaizi noted the keenness of the Deanship of Student Affairs to carry out many awareness programs to reduce the spread of this scourge among society. Dr. Al-Qumaizi stressed the keenness of His Excellency the President of the University, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al-Muqrin, to establish such programs that aim to guide students and help them quit smoking, and that His Excellency's directives always say: Take care of our students and provide them with all their needs and help them excel, creativity and excellence.

This was mentioned by the supervisor of cultural and social activities at the Deanship, Mr. Issa Al-Issa, who explained that the Deanship seeks to achieve its various goals, which were represented in this program by educating students and warning them of this dangerous scourge, and helping those who fell among them to get rid of it.








(The harms of smoking) awareness lecture at the College of Sciences and Human Studies in Ramah


The Vice Deanship for Student Affairs (Student Activities Unit), in cooperation with the Anti-Smoking Clinic at Ramah General Hospital, held an awareness lecture on smoking and its harms to the individual and society on Monday, 4/3/1440 AH.

At the beginning of the lecture, Dr. Nasser Al-Zaidis welcomed the health team and thanked them for their visit to the college. After that, the health team explained the danger of the scourge of smoking and its harm to individuals and communities, and provided statistics on smoking rates among different age groups, and the efforts of the Ministry of Health in raising awareness and education and how to help smoking addicts stop it.




Organized by the Deanship of Student Affairs, KAFA Association to Combat Smoking at the University



The Deanship of Student Affairs, in cooperation with the KAFA Charitable Association for Smoking Quitation, held a practical program to quit smoking, in which many students and employees of the university underwent awareness sessions in the mobile clinic of the KAFA Charitable Association, while those wishing to free treatment sessions to quit smoking were transferred to the clinic's headquarters, and the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Hamad bin Abdullah Al-Qumaizi, stated that the campaign aims to warn university students of the danger of smoking to human health, Dr. Al-Qumaizi noted the keenness of the Deanship of Student Affairs to carry out many awareness programs to reduce the spread of this scourge among the community, and Dr. Al-Qumaizi stressed the keenness of His Excellency the President of the University, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al-Muqrin, to establish such programs that aim to guide students, and help them quit smoking.



UQU President Inaugurates Anti-Smoking and Drug Awareness Exhibition under the Title "My Life is Beautiful Plasmum"



His Excellency the President of the University, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al-Muqrin, opens at half past nine in the morning on Sunday 16/1/1433 AH an exhibition (to combat smoking and awareness of the harms of drugs) under the name of My Life is Beautiful Plasmum, in the main hall in the university city in Majmaah, where the activities of the exhibition continue for three days and in which several government and private agencies and charities participate. It opens with a speech ceremony that includes the Holy Quran, welcoming speeches, a visual presentation and the launch of the executive regulations for combating smoking within the university.


This was mentioned by His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs at the university, Dr. Faisal bin Abdullah Al-Hamoud, who added that this exhibition comes within the plan of the deanship's activities for the current academic year and to achieve one of the most important goals of the university by providing various awareness and educational services to the community. This is done by the follow-up of His Excellency the President of the University, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al-Muqrin, and the implementation of the directives of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education, Dr. Khalid bin Muhammad Al-Anqari, to complete the necessary executive procedures for Saudi universities to be a smoke-free environment as of Saturday 1/1/1433 AH, and His Excellency stressed the diversity of programs and projects of Saudi universities to raise awareness of the harms of smoking on health and society.


Al-Hmoud pointed out that this exhibition also comes within the activation of the agreement that the university has previously signed with the General Directorate of Drug Control and translating this memorandum into joint projects that contribute to raising awareness of these toxins, with a focus on the areas served by the university.


Al-Hmoud said that the exhibition will witness a number of events, entertainment programs, competitions, lectures and seminars with gifts to visitors, and student trips will be organized from all schools of the nearby governorates to visit the exhibition with the Farah Children's Band in the evening and there will be draws for valuable prizes in the exhibition. The exhibition will be open for daily visits from 9-1 pm and 4-7 pm for three days throughout the exhibition.


Al-Hmoud thanked the supporting parties, namely the Saudi Marketing and Trading Company (Somatco), Bonyan Holding Company, Al-Jardan International Agencies Company, the Medical Pillars Trading Corporation, and the Saudi British Center. For Youth Research, the College of Applied Medical Sciences at the University, the College of Medicine at the University, the College of Dentistry, the Department of Education in Majmaah, the Department of Primary Health Care and Preventive Medicine.


At the end of his statement, Dr. Al-Hmoud invited everyone to attend the opening ceremony and follow up the activities of the exhibition.


The Vice President of the University, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Hogail, chairs the first meeting of the Anti-Smoking Committee I have the right to breathe fresh air!



Our religion taught us that "there is no harm and no harm", and the wise saying explained to us: "If you have the right to smoke, it is my right to breathe fresh air."

Investing in the success of the "My Life is Beautiful Without Poisons" exhibition and the community movement it created, including the university's quest for a pure environment completely smoke-free. Therefore, the work of the first session of the Anti-Smoking Committee at the university was launched on Sunday, 23/1/1433 AH, that committee that His Excellency the President of the University issued a decision to establish, which began to define its tasks, distribute competencies, draft regulations, and bulletins that express them, and recommended that these meetings take place periodically to follow up on the recommendations and decisions emanating from them.

During his opening speech of the session, His Excellency the Vice President of the University and Chairman of the Committee, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Hogail, appreciated the commendable efforts in this field made by the Deanship of Student Affairs represented by its Dean, Dr. Faisal Al-Hamoud, especially their distinguished efforts in the exhibition that was held recently entitled "My Life is Beautiful Without Poisons" and the societal gains achieved by the university in health awareness with the participation of the General Directorate of Drug Control and many charities and national centers in the region.


This campaign takes it upon itself to provide advice and make indicative signs that include educational phrases that urge you to stop smoking, and to be encouraged and change one's life to be purer and more beautiful with a clean life without smoke or pollution.

Among the educational statements recommended by the committee to support its spread in the student community were: (Your health.. is not yours alone), (Your health.. your wealth), (Avoid slow death!) "I won't smoke, I'll change my life," "My life is more beautiful without smoking," "A smoker doesn't get old, because he dies in his youth!" And other beautiful phrases that explain the harms of smoking, encourage staying away from it, and invest our health and the arms of our youth in supporting the renaissance of the country and building its future.

The Anti-Smoking Committee recommended that the scope of this awareness campaign extend until the date of 3/3/1433 AH, and until this date, the Committee has completed its conception of the regulation that governs the prevention of smoking within the university community, and make it a pure environment from smoking, and sets penalties that affect everyone who violates these decisions, and the Committee recommended that access to the regulation and its items be a condition for entering the website in which the results of students are presented so that the awareness message reaches each member of the student community. It also recommended the selection of Assistant Professor Al-Joufan as Secretary of this committee.

There is no doubt that with these trends and awareness, we will succeed in achieving a completely smoke-free university community.



With the participation of several governmental, civil and charitable agencies, the President of the University opened an exhibition to combat smoking and awareness of the harms of drugs under the name "My Life is Beautiful without Poisons"



With the participation of several governmental and private agencies and charitable societies, His Excellency the President of the University, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al-Muqrin, inaugurated on Sunday morning the exhibition of combating smoking and raising awareness of the harms of drugs under the name of My Life is Beautiful Plasmum, which is organized by the Deanship of Student Affairs at the university, in the main hall in the university city in Majmaah, where the opening ceremony program began with the Holy Quran, then the speech of the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Faisal Al-Hamoud, who welcomed the attendees and thanked His Excellency the President of the University, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al-Muqrin, for his presence and follow-up. Permanent activities of the Deanship He stated that this exhibition comes within the plan of the activities of the Deanship for the current academic year and contribute to achieving one of the most important goals of the university by providing various services to the community awareness and education, and the implementation of the directives of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education, Dr. Khalid bin Muhammad Al-Anqari, to complete the necessary executive procedures to make Saudi universities a smoke-free environment as of Saturday 1/1/1433 AH and His Excellency emphasizes the diversity of programs and projects of Saudi universities to raise awareness of the harms of smoking on health and society as follows This exhibition is within the framework of activating the agreement previously signed by the university with the Directorate General of Drug Control and translating this memorandum into joint projects that contribute to raising awareness of these toxins with a focus on the areas served by the university. Then Dr. Al-Hmoud expressed his thanks and appreciation to his colleagues in the Deanship for their efforts to equip the exhibition, and then he also thanked the supporting parties, sponsors and participating parties.

Then a visual presentation was presented that tells the harms of smoking and drugs in an interesting way that attracted the attention of the attendees, in cooperation with the ED company, which implements the famous nail episodes on YouTube, after that, His Excellency the President of the University launched the executive regulations to prevent smoking inside the university or in its external surroundings. At the end of the opening ceremony of the exhibition, the participants, supporters and sponsors were honored.

After that, His Excellency the President of the University, the University Vice Presidents, the Deans of Colleges and the supporting deanships and the university guests went to the exhibition, where the President of the University cut the ribbon announcing the opening of the exhibition and toured the exhibition pavilions and the participating parties.

During the first day, a number of events were held, including:

- The opening ceremony under the patronage of His Excellency the President of the University.

- A lecture by Lieutenant Colonel Ahmed Al-Fares from the General Directorate of Drug Control.

- The exhibition witnessed a large turnout of visitors, especially in the evening period, and the exhibition also witnessed student visits to a number of schools in the governorates of Majmaah, Zulfi and Ghat.

- Fun Stars for Children band excelled in presenting its performances amid a remarkable turnout of children and will continue its performances in the evening period throughout the duration of the exhibition.

- The exhibition will be open for visits daily from 9-1 pm and from 4-7 pm for three days throughout the exhibition.

- During the second day, a lecture will be presented to Mr. Suleiman bin Abdul Rahman Al-Sabi, Secretary-General of the Anti-Smoking Association (Naqaa).

- There is a daily draw for a number of gifts and prizes.


Dr. Ibrahim bin Abdulrahman Al-Hogail, Vice President of the University, spoke on this occasion that drugs are a scourge on the individual, family and society, and efforts to combat them and raise awareness of their harms are everyone's responsibility, so Majmaah University hastened to conclude a cooperation agreement with the General Directorate of Drug Control, based on its role in community service and awareness of the dangers of this deadly ghost that kills the nation's youth and threatens the family and society.

This agreement aimed to use all scientific capabilities, research expertise and laboratory equipment owned by the university in order to achieve the objectives of the agreement, and among the cooperation endeavors were: Holding joint exhibitions to raise awareness of the harms of drugs in places where young people gather, shopping centers and festivals, and from this point of view was the preparation for organizing the new version of the exhibition (My life is beautiful without poisons), which will be opened by His Excellency the President of the University, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al-Muqrin, on Sunday 16/1/1433 AH, and will continue until Tuesday: 18/1/1433 AH.

This exhibition is launched to raise awareness of the harms of drugs and the fight against smoking, in order to make the university a pure environment completely free of smoking, as well as the surrounding community.

Majmaah University, represented by the Deanship of Student Affairs, participates with the Directorate General of Drug Control in the implementation of this exhibition, and other governmental and non-governmental bodies also participate in its success, including: the Anti-Smoking Charitable Society (Naqaa), King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, the National Center for Youth Research, the Department of Education in Majmaah, and the Department of Primary Health Care and Preventive Medicine. Some of the university's faculties also play a prominent role in this exhibition, such as the College of Applied Medical Sciences, the College of Medicine, and the College of Dentistry.

The matter does not stop at the previous parties, but there are many sponsors supporting the exhibition, including: the Saudi Marketing and Trading Company (Somatco), and Bonyan Company.


UQU President Visits the College Corner at "Weqaya" Exhibition




Under the patronage and presence of His Excellency Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Atarim, the Dean of the College, and as part of the college's social responsibility, the college participated in the awareness exhibition about the dangers of drugs and smoking and their impact on health and society, titled "Prevention." The exhibition took place at the College of Science in Zulfi. His Excellency the University Director visited the college's booth at the exhibition, which included illustrative models and informational brochures about the risks of smoking. Additionally, an overview of the early detection device for oral cancer was presented. The Dean received a participation shield from the University Director as a recognition of the college's contribution to the exhibition.




The College of Education in Zulfi launches the "My University Without Smoking Campaign"


The College of Education in Zulfi launches the "My University Without Smoking Campaign"

Today,Sunday 1/19, the campaign (My University Without Smoking) was launched in the Colleges Complex in Zulfi

Launched by the College of Education represented by the Student Activities Unit and with the participation of the National Social Development Committee in Zulfi Governorate, in the presence of the Dean of the College Dr. Rashid bin Hamoud Al-Thunayan, Chairman of the National Social Development Committee in Zulfi Governorate, Mr. Abdullah Al-Shaya, His Excellency the College Vice Deans, heads of departments, and a number of faculty members and students.

The ceremony included a speech by His Excellency the Dean of the College, a speech by the Chairman of the National Social Development Committee, a speech by the supervisor of the Student Activities Unit in the College, Dr. Aqeel Al-Shammari, and a speech about smoking and its harms performed by a number of college students






Half a million viewers of an awareness message from the university via YouTube



The number of views exceeded more than half a million views via YouTube for an awareness message about the harms of smoking and drug abuse was sent by Majmaah University represented by the Deanship of Student Affairs in partnership with the community nails band, which presented it at the opening of the exhibition My Life is Beautiful Plasmum, which opened last week at Majmaah University and a number of government and private sectors participated in it and the Ministry of a number of officials and the number of visitors exceeded four thousand visitors within three days.

The message was to warn against smoking and drugs through a cartoon scene and in an attractive humorous style, and His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Faisal Al-Hamoud, expressed his happiness with this interaction with this message, which is one of the goals of the Deanship in educating the community and participating in its concerns and interests, and added that the Deanship of Student Affairs at the university has special accounts launched on social networking sites such as Facebook, which can communicate directly with the Deanship and make suggestions and observations, as well as an account on YouTube, which includes The clips of the Deanship and the events of the Deanship in particular and the university in general and a special account on Flickr, which includes a huge library of photos for all the events held by the Deanship

, bringing the number of images to more than half a million images with more than 53 albums ...