A celebration was hold on the occasion of the promotion of Dr. Mohammad A. Al-Shaya’a to the post of full professor. The celebration was attended by the staff of Vice-Rector-ship for Postgraduate Studies & Research.Prof.

The 4th edition of the Humanities & Administration Science Journal was issued by the Translation & Publishing Center at the Rector-ship for Postgraduate Studies & Academic Research. the journal comprises five research in various fields. The Director of the Center, Dr.

Under the patronage of His Excellency the Rector, Dr. Khalid Al-Mogren, the University Rector-ship for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research holds the meeting for the vice-rectors for postgraduate studies and scientific research titled “Attracting Academicians..

Under the patronage of His Excellency the Rector Dr. Khalid Al-Mogren and honor presence of His Excellency the Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research Dr. Mohammad A.

A symposium is to be held under the patronage of His Excellency the Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research Dr. Mohammad Al-Shai’a.

The University Deputyship for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research held a meeting titled “The Cooperation with International Universities; work mechanisms and Means of Success” under the patronage of His Excellency the Rector Dr. Khalid Al-Mogren.

The University Deputyship for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research will hold the meeting titled “The Cooperation with International Universities; work mechanisms and Means of Exploiting” under the patronage of His Excellency the Rector Dr. Khalid Al-Mogren.

Invitation Under the patronage of His Excellency the Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Studies & Scientific Research Dr/ Mohammad Bin Abdullah Al-Shaya’aThe Deputyship of Postgraduate Studies & Scientific Research and the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies are keen to invite all Deans of College

His Excellency Dr. Mohammad Abdullah Al-Shaya’a, Vice-Rector for Postgraduate and Scientific Research welcomed in his office the Dean of Education College Dr. Abdelrahman Al-Sait.Dr.

The Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research Dr. Mohammad Al-Shaya’a congratulates His Highness the Rector for extending his term as a rector for Majmaah University for another 4 years. He wished him all the best and success. 

His Excellency Dr. Mohammad Abdullah Al-Shaya’a, Vice-Rector for Postgraduate and Scientific Research welcomed in his office the Dean of Quality and Skills Development Deanship  Dr. Khalid Bin Mohammad Al-Jarallah.  Dr.

As the Deputyship of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research strives to activate the role of research chairs, a number of 4 research contracts related to the Sheikh Abdullah Bin Abdulmohsen Al-Tuweijri for Applied Research and Stroke Cases were signed by the Department of Research Chairs.

His Excellency Dr. Mohammad Abdullah Al-Shaya’a, Vice-Rector for Postgraduate and Scientific Research welcomed in his office the Dean of Education College in Zulfi Dr. Abdullah Bin Khalifah Al-Suweiket. Dr.

The Vice-Rector for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research held a meeting with the faculty deans who were included in the job post for demonstrators and lecturers.

His Excellency the University Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Studies and Academic Research the annual report of E-learning Deanship. The report was submitted by the dean of e-learning and distance education Dr. Musallam Al-Dosari  in the award hall in the Rector’s office.

The first session of the Scientific Board was held on Sunday 18/10/1434, chaired by His Excellency Dr.

The first session of the Scientific Board was held on Sunday 18/10/1434, chaired by His Excellency Dr.

Under the patronage of His Excellency the Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, the University Deanship for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research has organized a ceremony on the occasion of Eid.The ceremony was inaugurated by a speech for the Vice-Rector where he…