The college, represented by the Student Activities Unit, held an event entitled (Raising Awareness of the importance of sports activity for humans). The event aims to make sports part of people's life. This will eventually make them more creative and more productive.

The College Council held its sixth session for this year which was headed by the Dean of the College, Dr. Musaed Al-Zahrani.
Many topics related to academic and administrative affairs in the College were discussed.

The College, represented by the Student Activities Unit, held an event entitled (Patient Safety and Health) which aims to take measures related to the harms of unsafe drug practices such as: misuse of medicines and medical drugs, drug abuse, simultaneous use of multiple drugs.

The college, represented by the Student Activities Unit, held an event entitled (Mental Health) on the World Mental Health Day.

The college received a group of high school students in Majma’ah Governorate to see the college’s departments and facilities. The students also listened to an orientation lecture on the college's various majors and the future of each in the labor market.

The Dean of the College, Dr. Musaed Al-Zahrani, honored the winning team from the Department of Medical Laboratories with gold medal in recognition of their performance in the International Innovations Exhibition held in London 2022.

The College’s Community Service Unit celebrated the World Alzheimer’s Day under the slogan “Be Closer to Feel Them." by holding an activity to raise awareness of Alzheimer's disease, its causes, factors associated with it, its symptoms and diagnosis in elderly.

The College is participating in a 3-day activity held at Karam Mall to celebrate the World First Aid Day 2022. The college was honored by the director of Saudi Red Crescent Centers in Majmaah.

The college held multiple introductory meetings for new undergraduate students to introduce them to the college's vision, objectives, and the academic regulations.

The College announced winners of the Dean’s Award for Excellence for the academic year 1443 AH in all five categories:
Scientific Departments Category
Executive Units Category
Faculty Category
Staff Category
Student Category

The dean, Dr. Musaad Al-Zahrani, honored in the closing ceremony the former dean, Dr. Mazen Al-Ghatani, along with faculty members who are leaving the university and department coordinators.

A closing activities ceremony was held by the College of Applied Medical Science for the academic year 1443 AH. The ceremony featured a speech by the dean, Dr. Musaad Al-Zahrani, who thanked faculty members and staff for their efforts during the year.

MU rector, Prof. Saleh Al-Mizil, honored the team that participated in the university's booth at ICEE 2022. The team included Prof. Raed Al-Baradi and the students: Ahmed Al-Daraiweesh, Ayyad Al-Shammari and Jasser Al-Ba'aijan.

The dean, Dr. Muaad Al-Zahrani, honored exemplary staff in April. They are:
Mr. Faisal Al-Subayae
Ms. Fatimah Al-Mutairi

The vice-rector for educational affairs, Prof. Mohammed Al-Aboudi, carried out a tour of inspection to the college to oversee the progress of final exams. The vice-rector was welcomed by the dean, Dr. Musaad Al-Zahrani.

In the presence of the dean, Dr. Musaad Al-Zahrani, preparation courses for the examination of the Commission for Health Specialties came to an end. The 2-week course targeted internship students in all academic departments.

The college, represented by the Department of Biomedical Equipment Technology, held a training course for master's students entitled (Analysis of heart rate variability for clinical diagnosis using Kubios HRV program).

Final Exams Schedules for Master's Programs, Second Semester 1443 AH
1. Master's Program in Management and Leadership in Nursing (Male / Female) (MSN)
2. Master of Physiotherapy (male/female) program (MPT)

Final exams schedules bachelor programs, second semester 1443 AH
1. Schedule of Final Exams Physical Therapy Program (Male / Female) (PHT)
2. Schedule of Final Exams Doctor of Physiotherapy Program (Male / Female) (DPT)