The college, represented by the Student Activities Unit, in cooperation with the Department of Physiotherapy, held an event to celebrate World Autism Day. The need for assistance and improvement of the quality of life for people with autism was also highlighted.

Prof. Mohammed Al-Aboudi, the vice-rector for educational affairs, carried out a tour of inspection to the college during Ramadan where he was welcomed by the dean, Dr. Musaad Al-Zahrani, vice-dean and heads of departments.

The Community Service Unit at the college held an initiative that aims to provide health care for elderly people and raise their awareness of health risks and how to avoid them. A large number of visitors attended the event.

In the presence of the Dean of the College, Dr. Musaed Al-Zahrani, the Vice-Dean's Office for Development and Quality held the thirteenth workshop to follow up the progress of the academic accreditation of the college’s Bachelor’s and Master’s programs.

The College, represented by the Department of Financial and Administrative Affairs, conducted a training course for all male and female staff entitled (Administrative Creativity) which was presented by Prof. Hamad Al-Dhafiri.

The Dean's Tennis Tournament for the academic year 1443 was concluded and the results of first three places were as follows:
First: Mishaal Al-Hugail
Second: Mishaal Aref
Third: Bandar Al-Harbi

The College students participated in the fourth student forum, which was held by the Deanship of Student Affairs under the patronage of Rector, Prof. Saleh Al-Mizil.

Female students of the College of Applied Medical Sciences are invited to attend the introductory lecture on the standardized tests, which will be held (remotely).
Presenter: Dr. Saleh Al-Ayouni (Vice-Dean for Educational Affairs)

The Vice-Dean's Office for Development and Quality conducted the twelfth workshop to follow up the progress of the academic accreditation of the college’s bachelor’s and master’s programs. This is part of the college’s plan to obtain accreditation for 6 academic programs this year 1443 AH.

The College, represented by the Student Activities Unit, held in cooperation with the Nursing Department, a celebration of the nursing profession in conjunction with the Gulf Nursing Day. Many Gulf countries celebrate this important profession every year.

The College, represented by the Student Activities Unit, set up an initiative to activate the environment week under the slogan (Our Environment is Our Responsibility).

The Community Service Unit at the College of Applied Medical Sciences held an activity to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day.

A group of students from Department of Biomedical Technology visited King Abdul Aziz Medical City Hospital in the National Guard in Riyadh.

The College, represented by the Community Service Unit and the departments of Physiotherapy, Nursing, and Public Health, held an initiative entitled "Your Step is the Balance of your Health" in the public park in Majmaah.

The Vice-Dean's Office for Development and Quality held the tenth workshop to follow up the progress of academic accreditation for the college’s programs. This is a part of the college’s plan to obtain accreditation for 6 academic programs for this year 1443 AH.

Chaired by the dean, Dr. Musaad Al-Zahrani, the college council held its 32nd session in the presence of all members. Several administrative and academic topics were addressed in the meeting.

A meeting was held by the dean of the college, Dr. Musaed Al-Zahrani, with teaching assistants and lecturers in all academic departments. The dean pointed out that the college will strive to facilitate the procedures of scholarship. The meeting ended up with a Q&A session.

The football tournament matches came to an end. The Nursing Department won (first place) and gold medals, the Department of Public Health (second place) and silver medals, and the Department of Physiotherapy (third place) and bronze medals.