Deanship of Graduate Studies

The Dean of study speech



The Deanship of Graduate Studies is the axis of communication between the university and the scientific and research institutes, both inside and outside the kingdom, in addition to being the university’s starting point to the world. Thus, it is one of the most important constituents of the university because it is tightly linked to the process of qualifying researchers in the various scientific fields which contribute to the advancement of society. This is achieved by activating the mechanisms of development in all aspects, and working to solve the problems the society faces, not to mention its role in enriching the various human sciences through specialized studies and research papers. This way, it effectively contributes to the development of our homeland, and participates in treating our social and cultural issues. The university has done a good deed – under the guidance of his Excellency the President of the University – when it emphasized and activated the role of the Deanship of Graduate Studies to serve the community on a large scale, bearing in mind the market needs and the social, cultural and economic changes in the kingdom. That was attained through striking a balance between what the programs of graduate studies have to offer, and the demands of development and the employment market. The deanship is working to achieve that under the umbrella of the university’s futuristic vision to achieve its exalted message, taking into account the quality standards accredited by the National Commission for Academic Accreditation and Assessment. The deanship includes two departments: Graduate Studies Department, and Training and Scholarship Department.


Our Vision:

To become research pioneers in light of the national and international standards of academic accreditation so as to become a competing university.

Our Massage:

To build a research staff that is able to innovate and utilize scientific research in industry, production and the contemporary social issues. All through granting Master’s and Doctorate degrees that are judged in light of the standards of quality and academic accreditation.

Our Objectives:

The deanship seeks the following objectives:

Crystallizing a general vision of graduate studies and research that will uplift the university.

Setting up distinctive scientific programs that meet the requirements of development and employment.

Paying attention to Islamic and Arabic studies as well as expanding the research in them.

Preparing a generation of researchers who can contribute to the enhancement of the university and the community.

Activating the role of research in treating the different issues of society.

Increasing international scholarships in the various aspects of science.

Improving the research services available to researchers.

Supplying the university with more distinguished staff members.

Meeting the requirements of quality and academic accreditation in the research papers accredited by the university.

Constructing research incubators for outstanding researchers that will help realize their ambitions, and, eventually, serve our country.


The board of the Deanship of Graduate Studies consists of:


  • The Dean of Graduate Studies as chairman of the board


  • The Dean of Scientific Research


  • The Assistant-Deans of the Deanship of Graduate Studies


  • A staff member from every college that has a graduate study program






The deanship has two administrations as follows:   

(a)-The administration of graduate  studies.

(b)-The administration of scholarship and training.




Essential achievement of the deanship:

Based on   the directions of his Excellency the university rector,  a member of achievements has  lean done in short time most notably the adoption of master programs . one of which on linguistics and other consciences of Quran.

Concerning scholarship, a member of total 149 scholars of male and female has both internal and external missions. The first decision was issued concerning scholarships program in 29/11/1431 H. different forms  were designed especially for use in graduate studies, scholarship. And trainings programs


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