News Archive

As part of MU annual awareness campaign of breast cancer, a program was organized by the College of Science in Zulfi, represented by the Unit of Community Service (female campus), and in collaboration with Zulfi Public Hospital.

The first scientific meeting entitled "Structural investigation and interpretation of some alkali lead borate glasses as a radiation shielding materials" for the academic year 1439-1440 AH, was held in the presence of Head of the Department, Dr.

The Quality Assurance Unit at the Department of Computer Science presented a lecture entitled “Measuring Program Performance Indicators” by Dr. Omaima Saied.

As part of the activities organized by the Physics Club at College of Science in Zulfi, a scientific documentary film entitled "The Genesis of the Universe" was presented at the physics department hall in the presence of the head of department and a number of faculty members of staff and physics…

The Activity Unit at the College of Science in Zulfi organized a program titled " Orphan Caregiver " to highlight the human suffering of the orphans and other families suffering from deprivation and poverty as well as helping them and or make report their hardships to others.

A number of creative students from the College of Science in Zulfi have participated in the Second Creativity Forum, held by Office of the Dean for Student Affairs and hosted by the College of Science and Humanities in Al Ghat.

The Student Activities Unit at the College of Science in Zulfi (female campus) organized a course to teach Microsoft Office Programs due its high demand in everyday work The programs are:
Windows, word, power point, Excel.

Under the patronage of the Head of Computer Science and Information Department, Dr.

Within the framework of the training plan and awareness lectures organized by the Community Service Unit at the College of Science in Zulfi and in collaboration with the General Hospital of Zulfi, a lecture was conducted at the Zulfi Hospital entitled: "Immune response to Corona Virus”.

Sponsored by The College vice Dean’s Office of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research in College of Science, and in collaboration with the Training Unit, Dr.

Within the framework of its role to serve the community, the College of Science, represented by the Community Service Unit, held a course in the College of Education titled "Academic Excellence"

The College of Science in Zulfi, represented by Community Service Unit held in collaboration with Zulfi province a course entitled: “Awareness and importance of information Security” at the headquarters of Zulfi province.

A lecture entitled: “The Academic Guidance Mechanism” was conducted under the patronage of the Students’ Guidance and Rights Unit at the College of Sciences in Zulfi. The lecture which was presented by Ms. Shafeeqa Al-Obeidi Awni, targeted the college staff.

Chaired by the Head of the Department of Computer Sciences and Information Dr. Fayez bin Abdulrahman Al-Fayez, A number of graduation projects were evaluated by the panel with particular focus on the findings. The titles of these projects are :
Charity society

In the presence of the head of the department, Dr. Fayez bin Abdulrahman Al Fayez and faculty members, the Department of Computer Science and Information at College of Sciences in Zulfi held the first scientific meeting of the academic year 1439/1440 AH.
Dr. Rafieullah presented gave a…

In the presence of the Head of the Department of Mathematics, Dr. Ziad Al-Hussein and the faculty members, the second workshop for quality was held with the theme “Design and Analysis of Questionnaires”

A preliminary presentation of a graduation project was given by a group of students in front of the graduation projects committee which was headed by head of the department, Dr. Fayez bin Abdulrahman Al Fayez. The following projects were presented: 1- Ask Help 2- Location Query 3- Takaful…

In cooperation with the Department of Computer and Information, the Training Unit at the College of Science in Zulfi organized a training course for the students titled: “How to use Digital Library”.

The Training Unit at female campus conducted a course titled: ““The Importance of Google Documents in Managing Research Projects”.
Under the supervision of the course instructor, students can share and edit their views and the file is automatically saved on Google.